Getting the best insurance rates...
Getting the best insurance rates- as you shop for insurance, make sure you are getting every discount you may be eligible for. Below are some of the discounts offered by many New York automobile insurance companies:
At a certain point in life, getting older isn’t viewed as fun anymore. But when you break new age barriers in your journey of life, your auto insurance often gets cheaper. You may hide it from your friends, but let your insurance company know when you reach 50, for example.
Air Bag(s)
You could qualify for a discount for driver-side air bags or possibly even more for full-front seat air bags.
Anti-lock Brake System
Cars with a factory installed anti-lock braking system could earn you a discount on the collision portion of your premium.
Anti-theft System
Cars with a built-in anti-theft system could earn you a discount on the comprehensive portion of your premium.
Automobile Model, Style, Age
When shopping for a new vehicle, call your insurer to get insurance quotes on the various models you are considering. You may be surprised at the savings of one brand over another! In addition, features like 4 cylinder vs. 6, or 4-door vs. 2-door, can mean additional savings. And an older, used car often means insurance savings over a new model.
College Graduate
College graduates could be eligible for discounts on certain coverages.
Daytime Running Lights
Vehicles equipped with Daytime Running Lights as standard equipment could earn you a discount on certain coverages.
Defensive Driving Discounts
Hey, you didn’t think we were going to leave this one out, did you?!
Driver’s Education
If a young driver in your family has completed a driver’s education course, you may earn a discount on most coverages.
Emergency Military Deployment
Some insurance companies offer an added benefit to United States military policyholders who are deployed as a result of a military deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan.
Accident-free Good Driver
Drivers who have been accident-free for a minimum period (e.g., five years) may qualify for discounts on most coverages.
Window Etching
Having your VIN (vehicle identification number) etched inconspicuously on your windows can achieve a small discount on your comprehensive (theft) portion of your premium. Check with your local precinct, because NYPD offers etching for free.
Good Student
Drivers who are full time students could be eligible for up to a discount on certain coverages. Some may have age and/or academic requirements (e.g. between the ages of 16 and 25, who are full-time students with a "B" average or better).
Low Mileage Discount
If you drive under a certain mileage (e.g. 7500 miles/year) you may get a discount. With the current increases in fuel costs, many motorists who have cut back on their driving are now eligible for this discount and don’t know it.
If you needed another reason to tie the nuptial knot, well here it is: Married people usually get cheaper insurance over those remaining single. But we don’t recommend lowering your standards just to save a few dollars.
If you are on active duty, retired from the Military, or a member of the National Guard or Reserves, you may be eligible for a discount on your total insurance premium.
Insure more than one car on your policy and you could be eligible for a discount on most coverages.
Off-street Parking
If you park your car in a garage or private driveway, you may be entitled to a discount on part of your insurance premium.
Partnering Organization
If you belong to some organizations or groups (e.g., alumni, union membership, some government or hospital employees, professional organizations, Royal Order of Muskrats, etc.) there may be a discount on your total insurance premium. Be sure to ask.
Renewal or Multiple Policy Discount
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